
Pack, Pack, Organize, and Pack More

I refuse to bring anything to the house that is not somewhat organized.  Practical, yes, but also time consuming.

Check out some of these organization tips and resources that I've been finding inspiration in:

Apartment Therapy: 6 Ways to Make Space for the New- Need to reduce your clutter?  Ask yourselves these simple questions.

The Happiness Project: One Minute Rule- This is one of my rules to live by now!

Zen Habits: 5 Ways to Lose Your Stuff (Not Your Lover)


To me, decluttering my surroundings helps to declutter my head as well.  If my space is cluttered, you can generally bet that my state of mind matches.  As long as I can remember, I've functioned this way, although I first recognized this  in college.  I'd be in the midst of a demanding design project during which I would have let me dorm room explode in chaos and would inevitably hit a mental block.  Before I could get over the hump and continue on to productivity, the items of clutter around me needed to find their way to their respective homes.  Its amazing what you can focus on when your environment is a pleasant one.

By starting our life in the new house as organized as possible, I'm hoping to set up a home that will help us grow (even when we hit life's little road blocks).

Organizing thoughts in Resolution form.

I'm generally not one to make resolutions- or at least not ones that make it out of my mind and get verbalized or written down. I'm on an organization kick because of moving, so why not organize my thoughts in addition to all my worldly possessions?Here goes...

In 2011, I resolve to: 1. Sing more. It used to be a tough task to shut me up when I was futzing about the house cleaning or doing my own thing (as Hubby affectionately calls it- "Karen-ing about"). I've realized that as the years have passed I find myself singing less and groaning more. Time to reverse that evolution and start finding enjoyment in the everyday (even if they do include laundry or dusting).

2.(Re)Develop healthier habits. Gym was once a dear friend and confidant.  Somehow I've gotten out of my healthy routines- life seems to disrupt routines.  2010 was my worst fitness year by far.  Why?  Excuses.  April, I started a new job: routine disrupted.  June, Hubby started new job: more disruption and adapting.  July, we adopted Daisy kitten: more adapting and distractions (of the purring fuzzy kind).  No more excuses!  We have an elliptical for quick workouts.  A gym right by work for longer ones.  We have a stove to cook healthy meals and a refrigerator to store fresh foods.  I am leaving my excuses and unhealthy habits at the apartment when we move in 11 days.

3.Send cards and generally be more thoughtful toward others. We all have a tendency to get caught up in our own little worlds.  I'm guilty.  My goal is to put a smile on the faces of those around me more often.

4.Push myself. try new things. venture outside of my comfort zone. not settle for the status quo.

5. Blog daily. Wordpress is challenging its users to Post a Day.  Challenge accepted!  I'm going strive to post on this blog every day for all of 2011 and I'll need all the encouragement you can give me.  If you like what you read, "Like" the post.  Want to see something on this blog?  Let me know!  Want more info on something already posted?  Leave a comment!  Enjoying what you read?  Share with friends.  Want tips or advice on your own space?  Send me your questions.  The intention of this blog is to enjoy the journey and see where it leads me.

New life for old stuff. pt 1

You'd think with all my spewing about antiques that I surround myself with them.  I grew up sleeping in an antique iron bed with an antique dresser in a house full of antiques or craftsman-inspired pieces.  My parents loved refinishing furniture and finding neat pieces at tag sales (or garage sales, or yard sales, or whatever you want to call them).  When I moved out on my own, I needed a change from the sea of beige and antiques that I grew up in- I bought mostly new things and refused to take mismatching hand-me-down furniture just to save a few bucks.  I ended up with a lot of nice things with no sense of history or true character. After moving into our current apartment, I did the same thing, but wanted to infuse the apartment with more character.  Some of the new pieces we bought were vintage-inspired, but still lacked the aura of true antiques.  Hubby and I created a music room out of the unused living room (we used the larger 'dining room' as a living room instead), but left it unfinished.  It housed our piano, Hubby's guitars and other random musical equipment.  I had a strategic plan for the room and painted the walls a turquoisey-blue with a satin stripe faux finish.  Hubby was skeptical about the paint, but I made him a believer!  The room was missing something.  It needed seating and we had a red chair in mind (to pull colors out of the funky area rug in the room), but refused to settle for just anything.  When a friend's aunt passed away, we were given the opportunity to pick from the unclaimed items before the sale of her house.  Sitting inconspicuously in a dark room were an antique red chair and setee the perfect scale for our space.  Our friend was thrilled that we took the pieces which were originally his grandfathers and he was happy to see them 'staying in the family'- we(Hubby) compensated our friend for giving us these pieces by making a sushi dinner for him and his family (yum).  Those pieces completed the room more than I expected.  They were the perfect vintage flare for an eclectic space.  Modern electric guitars on the wall, upright piano from the 40s, funky carpet and antique red seating.

It is through this room that Hubby and I discovered the style of design we both could agree on and enjoy.  We hope to carry the eclectic feel of the music room to the new house.

Vision in the form of red furniture

When I started writing this post, I intended to talk about a different piece of furniture, but got stuck on this tangent- oops.  So consider this part one of this post.  Part 2 to follow tomorrow.