Really People?

Sometime people suck, you know that?  Not you guys, but other people.  People who do this: burnt habitat truck

Yes that is the local Habitat for Humanity ReStore's only truck- stolen & burned.... with donations inside.  I reiterate- Really people??

If you've been reading here a while, you've heard me mentioned the ReStore more than a few times.  It is a wondrous place filled with potential projects and gems just waiting for a new life.  My personal ReStore rescues have included a countertop for my basement work area, an industrial light (also for the basement which is... um... still "in progress"),

a light for Clark the fliphouse,

restore fixture

recycled paint for the aforementioned flip as well as my own kitchen,

recolor recycled paint

a sweet midcentury end table that was purchased to stage said flip but has since found it's way into Hubby's office (for $11),

restore end table

AND my newest find from last week, a delightful floral painting.  I tried to walk away from it, but I just couldn't.  It's just HAPPY!  Probably just a school project (dated 1980), it's certainly not worth more than the $8 I spent, but I'd give it an A!

restore floral art 1

It's been moving from room to room this past week looking for the perfect home, and I think I may have finally found the perfect spot above my nightstand.  Once I 100% decide, it'll get hung on the wall.

restore floral art 2

We've shockingly  donated even more to the restore than I've purchased.  Any usable/resellable building materials, supplies, home supplies etc that were left-over from our first flip or our kitchen reno were happily donated.  All the ReStore proceeds go to local Habitat for Humanity projects.  I get rid of stuff I can't use, or buy fun stuff that I can use, and an awesome charity befits.  It's a win, win in my book!

I hope you'll consider helping the ReStore get back on the road- they're collecting donations for a new, less barbequed, truck through Go Fund Me.  Even if you can't donate, please share the link and stick it to those sucky people who did this in the first place!  And pop over to their facebook page and show your support!

(I apologize for the solicitation, I'm just so disgusted by the fact that this happened that I had to try and help)

truck image via Worcester Telegram & Gazette
