
We've been living in our new house for 8 weeks.  At this point in all of my previous residences, I have had things mostly set up the way I wanted.  With this house- SO not the case.  There's not a single decorative item hanging on a wall.  As far as window treatments are concerned, I've gotten as far as washing what I have in preparation for reuse or storage.  It's driving me bonkers!!!  I know its unrealistic to expect the house to be all settled, but well, I expect it!  As a creature of habit and routine, having the house unresolved is very unsettling. This weekend I took one baby step toward settlement.  We purchased our first item of furniture for the house: a new TV stand!  This is also our first TV stand together- all others were his or hers prior to cohabitation.

Since I haven't shown you any pictures of the house since we moved our stuff into it, here is what the living room looked like Saturday (and mostly still looks like).

Sorry, I couldn't resist using the pictures that included the furry models.

And for the OLD TV stand.  Its quite out of proportion with the TV.  In fact, its technically a coffee table- the equivalent actual TV stand is buried in the basement (both remnants of my 'bachelorette' pad).

Now for the NEW TV stand!  (Have I mentioned my love for HomeGoods lately?)

No, I didn't repaint the walls between pictures- the color just changes drastically with the changing light outside.  A bit more proportionate, right?  The TV and sound bar may get mounted on the wall... once I figure out a plan for the wall.  I am very pleased with the piece and I adore being able to hide the Xbox, cable box, and dvd player!

Bringing in the new TV stand just highlighted (to me at least) the other changes that need to be made in the room.

1st and foremost: the coffee table.  It takes up half the living room!  Ideally, I'd love to have 2 small upholstered, tufted benches, but Hubby doesn't like that idea.  Potentially 2 un-upholstered benches that would serve as extra seating when we need it...  Either way, we need something smaller than that monster in this space (although I still love that monster, its not in the right house :(  ).

2nd: CURTAINS!  I think for now I'll put up the brown grommet-top ones that we had in the apartment living room, but eventually this room needs something visually lighter.

3rd: end table.  The one between the couch and chair is fine- its the other that is an issue.  With the size of the chair and couch, the end table gets pushed past the doorway moulding (as you can see in the 1st image).  Something smaller and more stylized is in store.

Everything (except the new TV stand of course) in this space is subject to replacement if we find the perfect items.
