Shorty the Flip House: Week 7

I hope you enjoy these weekly updates as I navigate through the business of flipping houses one house at a time!!  Come back every Friday to see how this house, aka Shorty, progresses from week to week.  To catch up on the progress on Shorty, check out his previous posts here.  If you’re new here, (Hello!!!) you can find more about my 5 previous flip houses here.  Thanks for coming along for the ride!!  

This week was filled with build-up and anticipation for next week.  Next week, the first floor drywall is ALL getting patched (meaning paint soon!!!), hopefully the kitchen floor will go down, and cabinets are scheduled to be delivered!  This will be the changing point for the entire house to go from demo zone to finish work.  Well, now that you know that next week will be a big week, this week was a little quiet.

Actually, the entire house is a bit quieter now that a new furnace is installed!  As I mentioned last week, we were having furnace issues and it turns out the only way to really fix it was to replace.  The old furnace was 120k BTUs and the house needed a MAX of 80k BTUs.  Basically the old furnace was jerry-rigged to be installed in the house, but because it would fire up at full capacity and the ducts weren't sized appropriately for such a furnace, it repeatedly had issues.  Heat is kind of a necessity for flipping & repairs- not only do I not want to freeze out my contractors, but things like grout and paint, for example, cannot cure properly below a certain temp.

The new furnace is high efficient and whisper quiet- especially compared to the last.  Additionally, a new furnace allowed us to install central air/AC at a price we couldn't say no to!  The furnace fix has officially busted our projected project budget, but we're optimistic that this will be a selling feature and help us to garner a top price in a hot market this spring!  (she says as she crosses her fingers)


Aside from the furnace, Hubby and I did a bit of running around and picking things up.  We took a trip to IKEA and our marriage survived!!  We picked up the powder room vanity and mirror, and the kitchen farm sink, and then headed to the tile store to pick  up ALL the floor tile for the kitchen and powder room.

So happy I was able to find a 6x24 tile at a reasonable price!  My kitchen herringbone dreams will soon be a reality.

I'm so ready to get covered in paint!  With this flip, there hasn't been much for me to work on just yet.  Once the drywall is all repaired, though, we can get to picking colors, painting, repairing trim, installing light fixtures, and generally all the little finish work that makes everything feel clean and new.  A lot is going to fall into place in the next 2 months until we list!

Have an awesome weekend!
