Staging Inspiration

My apologies ahead of time- until we list this house on April 13th (and maybe even after), you can be assured that I will most likely be sporadic and very very very one tracked minded.  I have a feeling most of you are here because of my flip stuff anyway, so let's consider this a good thing.  Millie was a bigger project than I ever anticipated and has been sucking all of my time, energy, and brain power for better or worse.  While I still have a few big things going on, the biggest will be staging.  Following my previous trend of spending as little as possible and buying vintage as much as possible, I'm definitely handing myself a challenge here.  The interior design side of me wants to stage this house to the nines, but I need to pull myself back.  ROI.  Spending more won't necessarily bring more back in return.  I need to be STRATEGIC! The area that I've been thinking about the most since it's literally the most open ended is the living room- or rather 2 living rooms- and what the ideal way to stage them would be.

If you do a search for Craftsman Bungalow, you find 2 things:

Wood filled bungalows with complete period furnishings that look straight out of a museum (which are gorgeous in their own right, but not what I'm going for),

hoh bungalow

or whitewashed spaces that have taken it a bit to the extreme (also very nice, but I could never do that to Millie's wood work),

toh 02-update-craft

My goal here is to find the right balance of old and new and put my quirky little twist on it.  I think textiles are going to be key here.  Who doesn't love some good throw pillows??

fixer upper bungalow

A bit less formal than Millie's living rooms, but I love the cozy vibe from this open concept space featured on Fixer Upper. (note- textiles enhance coziness)

at restored bungalow

Even though this room featured on Apartment Therapy sports the painted woodwork, it also sports a nice balance of darker natural materials mixed in.  Can we just swoon over that coffee table for a sec here?

This pinned image seems to lead to an inactive real estate listing, but I love it all the same.

pin bungalow

The shell of the space is very traditional and borderline formal, however the softness added with furniture and accessories makes the house feel so welcoming.

I have so many great ideas for Millie's living rooms, but so little time and budget to execute!

After hunting endlessly on craigslist and at estate sales, I gave up on finding a pair of chairs that weren't hopelessly dated and ordered these on clearance from Target.  I'm totally making it my mission to bring back the 'granny florals' and make them cool and fresh again.  The fluffier fabric balances well with the straight lines of the chair.  Trust me when I say these will totally make sense hanging out in the first of Millie's living rooms.

threshold floral