
Swapping it Soon

First of all- Congrats to Carla S!  You are now the proud owner of a wooden pineapple bowl!  I'll be e-mailing you shortly, so be on the lookout. Aside from finishing up this flip, I'm gearing up for the next round of Swap it Like it's HOT!


Once again arranged by the lovely Charlotte at Ciburbanity.  I'll be posting my final project on Wed October 7th, but I wanted to share my challenge with you before that.

If you don't recall from the last round of swapping, with a budget of $10, we all sent another blogger/DIYer a thrifted find in need of a revamp.  Ever since I recieved my treasure from Tasha from Designer Trapped in a Lawyers Body I've been staring at it trying to figure out 2 things: firstly- what in the blazes IS is??  and secondly- what in the blazes do I DO with it???


While I'm still in search of the answer to the first question (If you have any inkling, share in the comments!!), after weeks of it sitting next to my computer mocking me, I finally have a plan of what to do with it!

I clearly am not going to give all my plans away, but I will reveal that they will most likely involve a couple light kits from IKEA, a dowel, and maybe a brass bowl or 2. *insert evil laughter here*  Are you intrigued yet?  Fingers crossed that I can make it happen as planned!

How would you re-envision this old rustic rolling pin muddler head basher wood thing?

Friday High Five


Phew.  After sprinting to the finish line with Millie the fliphouse, I finally have a little down time. This week was also my birthday week so I gave myself permission to take a break (of course by take a break I mean do laundry, start to clean our own house, do minor Millie work, some design work, and start to sort piles of staging stuff and flipping tools).  One thing I'm still working on catching up with is reading other blogs.  I'm such a blog addict and I've barely read any in the past 2 months!  So now that I'm trying to catch up on the amazing happenings in the blogosphere, here are 5 things that grabbed my attention. **links seem to be a big glitchy this morning. Until I can add proper links, click on the images to go to the source**

1.  Ok, sorry, gotta start with some shameless self-promotion here.  Did you see my week of reveals on Millie??



2.  I'm positively swooning over this DIY fabric patent art over at The Gathered Home.  Amazing image and the perfect way to showcase it! (and that wall color is just the cherry on top)

DIY Frameless Floating Art 7


3.  I love love LOVE when Emily Henderson let's her readers into her styling world and we get to see that images like this aren't just a quick and effortless shot.


Those succulents aren't some celeb who just wake's up perfect.  It takes trial and error to create the perfect vignette.



4.  How adorable are these DIY clay planters from Design Love Fest??  Not sure if my sculpting skills extend this far, but let's just say I wouldn't be upset if these were hanging on my wall.



5.  And in un-plant related news, Sarah and her hubby over at Sarah M. Dorsey Designs took this rather ho hum rattan chair and completely transformed it!  I like to think I'm a creative person, but I would never in a million years have thought to do this.  Job well done!!



I hope this got your ideas flowing.  Have a wonderful weekend!!

Eternal Winter

This endless snow is throwing me way off my game as you can probably tell by this random Thursday- first post of the week.  I feel like I'm living in Frozen here with Elsa's eternal winter.  Quick, we need an act of true love!  (Yes, I am a grown a$$ woman with no kids quoting Frozen.  Embrace it.)  Seriously, though 70+ inches of snow in under 3 weeks with another potential blizzard on the way?  Sheer craziness.  Mother nature's completely lost her marbles.  All this shoveling and schedule rearranging has drained my energy and my creativity, so please accept my apologies. Instead of the usual, here are 3 things from around the interwebs that caught my attention:

1. Emily Henderson.  Oh Emily.  Interior styling rockstar.  She's currently showing us 1 credenza styled 4 ways.  She's shown us 3 so far and the first is far and away my favorite.  She's labeled it "Upper East Side Mid-Century."



2. On Pinterest, I stumbled upon a round-up of 30 Free printable to spruce up your child's room via Little Gold Pixel.  Not your average, cheesy, cutesy child art.  Thumbs up!  Most could also mix in a non-child oriented gallery wall.  And look, another Frozen reference!



3. How did I not know that Society6 sells throw pillows??  I've purchased art and phone cases from them.  Now I'm looking for a place for all these pillows!  Do you see those prices?  With a pillow insert, a 16x16 pillow is only $27!



I'm sure I'm not the only one fighting the winter doldrums.  This snow is only temporary, the days will get longer, and before we know it will be flea market and spray paint season.  Ah, Brimfield.  I cannot wait!  Only 89 days, but who's counting.