Taming the Jungle

Time to play catch-up after a relaxing week.  Vacation laundry: DONE!  Unpacking: DONE!  Fixing my unfortunate attempts to photoshop pics for this blog on an ipad in the sun: DONE!  Still a lot of cleaning and catching up to do, though. I need to tame the jungle formerly known as my yard before wild animals start taking up residence- a wet week while we were away made the weeds very happy.   I did start some trimming yesterday, so the path we created last year could be usable without walking into bushes.


Hopefully the veggie garden will be as happy this year as it was last year.  This pic was taken from a very similar view last August:


I can't wait until later in the week when I'll get a chance to start getting down a fresh layer of mulch.  I'm so excited to get the most use as possible out of our yard this year.  As soon as I get it all cleaned up, I'll post some awesome pictures.  The yard was the first thing we fell in love with when we looked at this house and I haven't given it the exposure it deserves here- that needs to change.

Exciting Clark update coming on Wednesday!!