
Daring Adventure

I have many talents.  Beautiful hand lettering is not one of them unfortunately.  Luckily there are people like Stephanie from the etsy shop Letters from Rita.  This talented lady lives only minutes from me and makes the art of hand lettering look effortless. hand-lettered-quote

Hubby's not generally a huge fan of "words as art" but even he's not arguing me on this one.  It's such a great reminder to live and enjoy the ride.  Right now, as I'm elbow deep in flip mess hustling to the seemingly unattainable finish line, this beautifully illustrated quote is a gently nudge that I chose this path and I need to keep the joy in the adventure.


Would I rather be back at my old 9to5? Nope.  Is this flip going to be so rewarding when it's finished? You betcha.  Will it try my patience until the day it sells?  More than you know.  But I wouldn't trade this adventure for anything.

Thanks Stephanie for this beautiful art!  Visit her etsy shop for your own personalized hand-lettered quote ($5 off your first print before June 1st with the code BLOG15) or her blog to see more of her awesome work1


2014 Look Back


Ya know how some years just fly by and when you look back at where the year went you can't figure it out?  That was 2013.  While this year flew by even faster, when I look back, I know exactly where the year went, and I'm exhausted! Here are some of the year's highlights:


I finished and sold 2 flip houses,




and Grover



Completely staged Frankie for under $1000,


and took on my biggest flip project yet, Millie


Showed you several how-to's when it came to the flips:

Board and batten bathroom update,


Modernized a super dated built in,


and created a kitchen island from an old dresser.


Outside of the flip, I've been slowly working on my niece's room which will be revealed sometime in the new year, but I've already showed you the DIY butterfly art


and a peek of the concrete-topped dresser transformation


Back in the house that I actually live in, I updated my own living room by reupholstering my favorite antique chair


and building an 8 foot built-in corner bookcase.


I topped it all off with a new sofa and am finally in love with the room


In addition to all that, I also launched my interior design company back in March, Copper Dot Interiors.

2014 has been quite a blur, but it's been an amazing year for growth.  Thanks for sticking with me for the ride and I can only imagine the amazingness in the year to come!

Bring it on 2015!!  Cheers!



A Stitch of Truth

Did you happen to catch a glimpse of my humble abode on Apartment Therapy's House Call on Saturday?  If you were busy making the most of your weekend, go check it out now! With colder weather peeking in lately, my knitting needles have come out once again.  For some reason I only knit on airplanes or in cold weather.  Well, after making hats for all my boys last Christmas (Hubby, Handy Dad, my nephew Eli, and his daddy Eric), I needed to spread the knitting love and make a hat to keep my cheeky new niece warm this winter.  I fell in love with this pattern on and jumped in needles first, hoping that my hat ended up half as cute as the one on the pattern's adorable little model here.


The knitting gods have other plans, I guess.


I SWEAR I followed this pattern to the T.  Clearly I'm not quitting my day job.  I was debating whether to share with you my knitting debacles, but I clearly decided to.  Often times DIY blogs are all styled, amazing projects and rooms and rarely do you see the dozens of false starts it took to achieve the perfect end results that you avidly pin.  Keepin' it real here as always.

My first, half completed attempt was scrapped mid-way because I thought the proportions looked off.  After assuring myself that the pattern had good reviews and that I should see it to the end, I gave it another go.  Aside from using a smaller needle to make the hat smaller than my first attempt(and apparently too small) this just ended up looking ridiculous.  Sometimes I will, admittedly, follow a pattern blindly, even if it doesn't looking right yet, because sometimes the textile reveals itself as you get in further.  This was not the case.  The only thing that revealed itself as I went further was a conehead and my dear Lyla did not deserve that.

I have started more than a half dozen hats in the past few weeks(this pattern and one other), the majority of which have found themselves in the trash, and my baby niece is still hatless.


The most common issue I've had has been knitter error.  Since I'm a weeee bit OCD here, if I can't easily rewind to undo my stitch errors, I scrap it and start over.  Several times.  I stopped counting.  I'm also blaming the patterns for my inability to follow them properly.  Don't they know they need to SIMPLIFY so I can follow??

After my epic conehead failure, however, I think I know how to modify the pattern to actually be able to knit the desired result-  Less repeats and decreasing more gradually.


No more blindly following the pattern.... I WILL make this one work!  (or give myself blisters trying)

Did you have any DIY misfires or successes this weekend?