
Fresh Slate

I'm not one for formal resolutions, but I love the 'fresh slate' of a new year.  Not only has the calendar changed, but you're coming down from the busy holidays, and usually have time to sit down and really reflect about the previous year and what you want out of the year ahead.  It's the perfect time to think about what has worked, or not worked for you in the recent months and figure out how you can live happier and healthier in future months.  I'm not calling these resolutions, but I guess they can be taken that way.  Here are my plans for creating a better 2016: Schedule my life. 

This has been on my to do list for 6 months or more.  Literally.  I can show you the list on my iphone.  I am a person who thrives on routine, and that (aside from the people) is the only thing I miss from working a traditional 9to5.  When I'm in the midst of a flip, I can generally create some sense of routine, but now that I'm working with more design clients and my 'office' is about 10 paces from my bed, finding routine isn't as simple.  Therefore I need to make one, make it official in my Google calendar, and follow it.  Back with the 9to5, I would get up at 6:30 to eat breakfast before I needed to hop in the shower at 6:55.  If that timeline shifted, even by a minute, I would be in danger of missing my train to work (which I never did btw, but came dangerously close).  With no train to be missed and no boss who will give me the side eye if I walk in late... unless you count Daisy.... I need to put that pressure on myself.  I need to schedule time to work, time to blog, time to work out, time for social media, and give myself a beginning and end to my day.  It'll lead to less failed attempts at multitasking and more overall productivity.


Blog better.

This goes along with scheduling time to blog.  Up until now, I've always been an off-the-cuff blogger, sitting down to write a post a few hours before I plan to post it.  This needs to change a bit.  Now, don't get me wrong, that doesn't mean that I won't be sharing my projects in pretty real time, but it does me that I plan to not rush them.  If I can get myself plan ahead, I won't need to rush to photograph a project because I need something to post that day..... not that I would ever do that..............  By planning ahead, I'll have better content, better photography, and maybe even some back-up posts for when I just haven't finished that project in time.  Because photographing a project at 8am to post at 9am, maybe isn't ideal.  ALSO, and this is the most exciting part for me: sometime early spring, the blog will be getting a facelift in the form of a name change and rebranding.  It'll be a huge change for the better, but still change, and change is scary, so I wanted to give a heads up.  Knowing this change is coming is also a great motivator for me to make sure that my content will live up to a fancy new design.  I'm setting the bar higher for myself!

Be mindful.

This is super broad and a little bit woo woo, but I can't think of a better way to put it.  I need to turn off autopilot and just be in my life and aware.  I need to be mindful of what I eat.  Not diet- I don't believe in diets- but maybe sugar doesn't need to be one of my essential food groups.  Chocolate does.  But maybe there's some balance to be found.  I need to be mindful to not get so hyper-focused on the task at hand that I go extended periods of time without seeing friends.  I need to be mindful to finish one project before moving on to 3 more.  Be present....be mindful...be plugged in.  Whatever you want to call it, I plan on striving toward it.


So there you have it.  My personal plans for how I plan to rock out 2016.  How do you plan on making your new year shine?

Swapping it Soon

First of all- Congrats to Carla S!  You are now the proud owner of a wooden pineapple bowl!  I'll be e-mailing you shortly, so be on the lookout. Aside from finishing up this flip, I'm gearing up for the next round of Swap it Like it's HOT!


Once again arranged by the lovely Charlotte at Ciburbanity.  I'll be posting my final project on Wed October 7th, but I wanted to share my challenge with you before that.

If you don't recall from the last round of swapping, with a budget of $10, we all sent another blogger/DIYer a thrifted find in need of a revamp.  Ever since I recieved my treasure from Tasha from Designer Trapped in a Lawyers Body I've been staring at it trying to figure out 2 things: firstly- what in the blazes IS is??  and secondly- what in the blazes do I DO with it???


While I'm still in search of the answer to the first question (If you have any inkling, share in the comments!!), after weeks of it sitting next to my computer mocking me, I finally have a plan of what to do with it!

I clearly am not going to give all my plans away, but I will reveal that they will most likely involve a couple light kits from IKEA, a dowel, and maybe a brass bowl or 2. *insert evil laughter here*  Are you intrigued yet?  Fingers crossed that I can make it happen as planned!

How would you re-envision this old rustic rolling pin muddler head basher wood thing?

Choose Your Own DIY

Summer's always a bit slow over at this here ol' blog since everyone is outside playing with kiddos, at the beach, on vacation, or generally doing warm weather things that snowmageddons don't allow, so I've been getting a bit reflective. I'm having a bit of a blog identity crisis: a blog-dentity crisis if you will.  I've been blogging for so long (since 2010!!  even if it was just my mom reading back then... Hi Mom!) that it's time to shake something up a bit, but I'm not sure quite how.  A new design that will integrate better with my design business?  Switching up the post format a bit?  Different features?  Just post pictures of adorable cats (wishful thinking)?  My mind is swirling with possibilities, but since this blog would suck without you guys,  I want you to chime in!  Tell me what you love (and might not love as much) and purty please fill out a quicky survey by clicking the button below.




Choose your own DIY!

To thank you for your general awesomeness and for taking the time to fill out the survey you guys get to pick what DIY you want to see on Monday! Leave your choice in the comments:

Vintage Scarf Bolster Pillow

Herringbone Wood 'Tile' Headboard

Metal and Chain Picture Rail


Thanks for all the love!  See ya Friday for this week's flip update and check back Monday to see what DIY you chose!