nessie the fliphouse

Nessie the Flip House: Week 16

I hope you enjoy these weekly updates as I navigate through the business of flipping houses one house at a time!!  Check in each Friday to see weekly update of how this house progresses!  To catch up on the progress on Nessie, check out her previous posts here.  If you’re new here (Hello!!!),  or just enjoy walking down memory lane, you can see my 6 previous flip houses here.  Thanks for coming along for the ride!! I love this point in flips where every step is now a visible piece that makes the house look more finished.  Drywall last week was awesome, but this week, the beginning of painting REALLY means things are starting to look like a livable space once again!  Everything is primed!  It is going to be white ultimately but not so stark.  Simply White will be a great backdrop for my blue cabinets- you haven't forgotten about those have you??

And while 100% necessary, I was hoping that we weren't going to have to totally replace the boiler, but we did. Let me let you in on our thought process here: the old boiler was repairable, but not cheap.  For about an extra 2k, we were able to get a new one all together.  While we didn't want to spend the extra 2k on a budget that already much higher than we originally hoped, we realized that if we plan to ask over half a million for this house (and we do! location location location!!!), buyers were going to want to see all new.  New boiler, new ac,  new electrical, new.  So we did.  The little, rusty, old one is chillin in the front right of the pic (and has since been removed completely) and the new one is all red, shiny, new, and WORKS.  Hooray for heat!

The item that I'm most excited about, however, is the thing that was the quickest so far this week- getting started on painting the exterior!!!!  Aside from today, there was only 1 non-rainy day all week, however the painters were able to make HUGE progress!  No more pukey yellow beige!  They still have doors and trim to paint, but my goodness what a difference this made already!!

The color looks super blue in the pic, but it's more of a blue/gray that should look a bit different in different lights.  I am looking forward to getting rid of the red on the door now, though.  I know that some of you might love the pop of red, but the colors are feeling very traditional right now.  The new door color- Dorset Gold, will hopefully take the house to a more modern place.

Next week should just keep building and compound on this week's exciting progress.  I'm expecting to see more paint, some finished floors, and hopefully some tile!!  Each day is a step closer to completion!

Have an awesome weekend!!!

Nessie the Flip House: Week 15

I hope you enjoy these weekly updates as I navigate through the business of flipping houses one house at a time!!  Check in each Friday to see weekly update of how this house progresses!  To catch up on the progress on Nessie, check out her previous posts here.  If you’re new here (Hello!!!),  or just enjoy walking down memory lane, you can see my 6 previous flip houses here.  Thanks for coming along for the ride!!  

This house's curb is well on it's way to being appealed.  Window = GAME CHANGER!  Before I show you the exterior this week, I think it's about time for a reminiscing look back to what the front of the house looked like when we bought it this summer.  Tiny windows, dead tree, lopsided focus, broken brick retaining wall and end of walkway.



In a perfect world, we'd be able to put on a front porch which would be SO sexy on this house, but in the reality of flipping, I don't have 3+ months to try and get the plan approved by the town due to how close it is to the street.  I'm settling for a little exterior work and painting the house instead.  The big change this week was finishing of the new picture window on the left, and relocating the window that was originally in that spot into the bedroom on the right.  Now the house no longer feels lopsided and feels like it's always been this way!



The window also has a huge impact on the bedroom inside- making it brighter and more open.  It's pretty awesome to see what a bit of sun can do to a room.



If it wasn't for the sudden cold days that appeared here out of nowhere (you'd think it was November or something...) the exterior of the house would be half painted already, but's looking like early next week for paint instead.


Meanwhile on the rest of the inside, people have been buzzing away (not me yet, but I have my lists).  Handy Dad replaced the powder room/laundry window that was half dryer vent previously with frosted safety glass.


Did you pick up on the other HUGE bit of progress this week?  DRYWALL!!!!!  Lots and lots of drywall!



Oh and did I mention it has a kitchen now?  It's all still boxed up, but I promise you, that's a kitchen!



And just so I don't think things are going toooo smoothly, when the plumber came to get the heat back up and running, the furnace decided NOPE.  Now we're waiting to see if it's more cost effective to repair or replace.  Until then, the drywall guys brought in their own solution- a propane heater to help keep things warm and allow all the drywall compound to dry properly.



Don't worry, they only have the heater fired up when they're there.  No one is burning my house down on my watch!  Hopefully things will keep humming along next week and we get to see some exterior paint, baseboard and trim installations, and if things go according to plan, we may even see some interior priming and painting.  Crossing my fingers that with the new walls in place everything else can start falling into place too.


Have an amazing weekend!!


Nessie the Flip House: Week 13

I hope you enjoy these weekly updates as I navigate through the business of flipping houses one house at a time!!  Check in each Friday to see weekly update of how this house progresses!  To catch up on the progress on Nessie, check out her previous posts here.  If you’re new here (Hello!!!),  or just enjoy walking down memory lane, you can see my 6 previous flip houses here.  Thanks for coming along for the ride!!  

My apologies for this day late post.  I was fighting off baby germs and the fact that yesterday was Friday completely escaped me.  This is the last week that my post will be picture-light because starting next week we get floors, drywall, a window..... such exciting things!!!  Back to this week, though.  I swear it was a pretty busy week- plumbing, wiring, framing, preliminary insulation... but the major accomplishment was:


That's permit sign-off on rough plumbing, electrical, and framing by the town inspectors!  The only last signature we need before we can close the walls up is insulation and that should be coming Tuesday.  It's been a long road to this point.  Or at least longer than I had originally anticipated.


Once drywall goes up, I'll most likely put up my signature to-do check lists in each room, but my electrician has is own lists in a few places.



Wood floor for the kitchen, hallway, and back bedroom got delivered.  I can't wait to see it installed!!!



And with a wet week, we're actually getting some grass!  I won't lie, I do find it pretty cool that in the right conditions it can go from seed to 2 inches of grass in less than 24 hours.



I'm excited to see the transformation in the coming week!  This house has been gutted for way too long!


Have an awesome weekend!